Am I a Candidate for Dental Implants?

In general, most adult patients are candidates for dental implants. However, it’s important that you schedule an appointment with our dental implant dentist in Grand Rapids, MI. During your consultation, Dr. Olszewski will be able to determine if you’re truly a candidate for the dental implant procedure and will create a treatment plan tailored to your smile.

Dental Implants Dentist Grand Rapids MI

In the meantime, here’s what you need to know about the main traits that dental implant candidates share.

Tooth Loss

The best time to get a dental implant is immediately after losing a tooth. The sooner you replace a missing tooth, the less likely you’ll experience bone loss around the empty socket. Likewise, your remaining teeth will have less opportunity to drift toward the new open space.

Whether you’ve lost one tooth or have experienced major tooth loss, there’s never been a better time to schedule a consultation with our dental implant dentist.

Congenitally Missing Teeth

While it’s uncommon, some people are born with missing teeth. The most common missing teeth are wisdom teeth, second premolars/bicuspids, and upper lateral incisors. If you or your child has congenitally missing teeth, we don’t recommend seeking dental implant treatment until the jaws are fully developed.

Since each individual is different, the jaws may finish developing at different ages. For example, some patients are ready for dental implant surgery at age 17 while others may need to wait until they’re 21.

If your teen is feeling self-conscious about missing teeth, consider getting them removable partial dentures in the meantime.

Sufficient Bone Density

Your titanium dental implant will need a strong foundation to support an abutment and crown. For this reason, it’s best that you have sufficient bone density in the jaw. That being said, you don’t need to despair if you’ve already lost bone density due to tooth loss. Under those circumstances, we may recommend getting a bone graft to supplement the tissue you already have.

A Desire to Improve Your Health and Wellness

Did you know that your oral health can impact the rest of your body? For this reason, we always recommend that patients seek dental implant treatment as soon as they experience tooth loss.

If left untreated, tooth loss can lead to an increased risk of bone loss, crowding, a change in your bite, and other health issues. Not only does this affect your smile, but it can also impact your eating habits and overall health.

Your mental health also plays a role in your well-being. For example, you may experience low self-esteem after losing a tooth or try to hide your smile from others out of a fear of what they may think.

If this describes you, we’d love the opportunity to restore your smile so you can regain your confidence. Please don’t hesitate to schedule a dental implant consultation with Always a Smile Dental.

Book a Dental Implant Consultation

Dr. Ronald Olszewski is an experienced dental implant dentist in Grand Rapids, MI. He’s also accepting new patients and would be more than happy to help you explore your tooth replacement options. To book a consultation, please call Always a Smile Dental at (616) 949-1700. You may also fill out our online contact form and someone from our team will reach out to you soon.